Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Atkins nutritional Approach

In 1972, Dr. Atkins wrote a book. This book was titled "Dr. Atkins diet revolution". In
1992, as well as 2002, the book was revised, and packed full with brand new information; some of
which, I will share with you in this blog. However, I URGE you to read the books. There
is always something new to learn. I am only outlining the books.

The atkins nutritional approach IS NOT A DIET. It is a way of life. ANA is a permenant
way of eating that helps you lose weight without counting calories, makes you look
better, which makes you feel better, naturally re-energizes you, and keeps lost pounds
off FOREVER. Mind you, once you adopt ANA, you must be consistent. Once you
reach your goal weight, there are certain things such as cheesecake, which have
carbohydrates, that you may have in MODERATION, but overall, you will be living with
a restricted carbohydrate way of eating.

There are three main questions you should ask yourself before starting this, or any
other approach to a healthier lifestyle.

1.Is it safe?
Yes! There are plenty of studies, which we will discuss in later blogs, that show that a
controlled carbohydrate nutritional approach helps improve clinical parameters
affecting heart diseases, and diabetes, without harming your liver, kidneys, or bone

2.Is it nutritionally sound?
Yes! A mistake that a lot of people make when it comes to ANA is believing that its an
all you can eat meat diet. That is the farthest thing from the truth. The most strict
phase of ANA, known as induction isists that you consume 20 g of carbohydrate per
day. The difference? The carboydrates that you consume while on ANA are packed
with nutrients. This meets or exceeds most daily recommended allowance for most
vitamins and minerals.
3.Does the weight stay off?
Absolutely. Simply adopt the Atkins lifestyle, and you're set for life.

There are four principles to the atkins nutritional approach. You will LOSE WEIGHT.
You will MAINTAIN your weightloss. You will ACHIEVE GOOD HEALTH. You will lay
the permenant groundwork for disease prevention.
Just think about it. By changing your way of eating, to something that you will no
doubt enjoy, you can lose weight, look great, feel better about yourself, and help
prevent disease! How can you say no to that?

So about now, you're probably thinking, "why does Atkins work? What makes it so
great? How is it any different from anything else?".
Think back to before electronics; before computers, lights, air conditioning, heaters,
STOVES, MICROWAVES. What did people eat? ANIMAL PRODUCTS. They ate meat,
cheese, butter, vegetables, fruits, etc. There was no vending machine that had cheetos
and skittles. There were no McDonalds, Taco Bell, or BurgerKing to stop at for lunch.
Men went out, killed cows, chickens, whatever, and brought it home to the wife, and

Today, more than 60% of Americans are obese. Thirty years ago, it was less than 40%.
Can you imagine what it was like hundreds of years ago? The point is, your body is
made to break down proteins and fats, to use to your advantage. Your body is made to
get out and do things! Yes, you may get sore from working out all the time, but doesn't
your butt get sore from sitting around all day too? ENOUGH SAID.

Most obesity occurs when your body's metabolism isn't functioning properly. What
would happen if you put water in your car instead of gas? It would crash and burn.

The metabolic correction in Atkins is so great, some people can consume more
calories on a carbohydrate restricted diet, than they could on a fat restricted diet.
Low fat diets are almost always high in carbohydrates, and in the long run, they end
up harming us from the exact thing they're supposed to protect us from.
Diabetes, and heart disease come in part from overconsumption of refined
carbohydrates, and its connection with hyperinsulinism. But theres still hope! ANA can
correct these problems, and those with obesity before its too late.

From the 1970's until present, such organizations as The United States Department of
Agriculture have smothered the country with ideas of fat restricted diets. Statistics
also show that not only was there a decrease in dietary fat intake, but also an increase
intake of refined carbohydrates such as sugar and white flower. In the mind of Dr.
Atkins, the food pyramid, which suggests 6-11 servings of grains per day, has directly
contributed to todays epidemics of obesity, and diabetes

In the past few years, the news media has even begun declaring that a low fat/high
carbohydrate diet lead to high insulin levels, and high triglycerides, the number one
cause of heart failure. Studies also declare that a controlled carbohydrate diet reverse
these effects in a majority of people.

If you've been obese for long, it is almost certain that you have a blood sugar or
metabolic disorder; leading to the conclusion that refined carbohydrates such as
white flour, sugars, and junk food, are slow poison to your body. Those foods are bad
for your health, bad for your energy level, bad for your mental state, bad for your
figure, bad for your career prospects, bad for your sex life, bad for your digestion, bad
for your blood chemistry, bad for your heart. THESE FOODS ARE BAD FOR YOU!
There are so many perks to The Atkins Nutritional Approach to a healthier Lifestyle.

The ANA is packed full of foods that are super tasty, and leave you feeling fuller, longer.
I don't know about you, but I'm a lot more full after eating 1/2 lb of ground beef than I
am eating 3 oz of chicken breast and some broccoli. On a fat restricted diet, you count
calories, on ANA, theres no need for that. On a fat restricted diet, you are consistently
eating carbs carbs, and more carbs. When you eat carbs, it makes your body crave
carbs. It's a never ending cycle. Atkins helps you to develop a healthy, and
comfortable way of eating, making it easier to adopt for good.
The Atkins Nutritional Approach IS NOT A DIET. IT IS A WAY OF EATING FOR THE

Lets review shall we:
A typical American diet, does not work with the typical American metabolism.
Most obesity is caused by a disturbance in the metabolism, not overconsumption of
Studies consistently prove that refined carbohydrates are BAD FOR YOU.
A low fat diet, is a high carbohydrate diet, and in the long run will ruin you.
The ANA will help you control your weight, achieve good health, and help prevent
The Atkins Nutritional approach is made up of fats, protein, and nutrient dense
carbohydrates in the form of vegetables.

All in all, Atkins rocks!

1 comment:

WildAngel6 said...

I just thought you might want to know that Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution was originally published in 1972.

In 1992, Dr. A came out with Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution, which was again reprinted in 2002.

Happy Healthy Low Carbing!